Rally: Aboriginal Children's Day

Organized by Grandmothers Against Removals (GMAR), this rally was held on Aboriginal Children's Day, not long after the public outrage at the horrendous cases of child abuse at Don Dale, and on the same day that The Australian newspaper published a cartoon vilifying Aboriginal people. The rally began at the Family Court and marched to the the NSW Parliament, where impassioned speeches calling for nation-wide justice, particularly for Aboriginal children and families, were made.

From the organizers:

"The number of Aboriginal children in "out of home care", is higher than ever and rising rapidly. Far more children are being taken today than during the Stolen Generations of the 20th Century. The numbers have increase 400 per cent since Kevin Rudd's "apology" for the crimes of the past... Following protests by Grandmothers Against Removals in May this year, Brad Hazzard, NSW Minister for Family and Community Services (FACS), made commitments to reduce the number of children in care. One of these commitments was for a review of all cases of Aboriginal children taken from their families over the last 24 months. This has no been reduced to 12 months. GMAR, along with the Aboriginal Legal Services NSW, have called for this review to be independent and Aboriginal controlled."

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