Rally Against University Investment In The War on Gaza

Photographs of today’s rally at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), where students and academics spoke out against investment in Israel’s war on Gaza by the tertiary education sector in Australia.

Students then marched from UTS to the University of Sydney where they joined a similar rally being held there. Speakers challenged the new definition of anti-Semitism imposed by universities, which they say is pro-Israel and censors staff and students from expressing support for Palestine.

*Click through images for full screen view.

Free Palestine March on Albanese Office

Photographs from yesterday’s rally, where around 150 people marched from Sydenham train station to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s electoral office in Marrickville, Gadigal Land.

Speakers spoke out against Israel’s renewed bombing of Gaza and what they say is a pro-Israeli position taken by the Australian Labor Party’s federal government.

*Click through images for full screen view.

Free Palestine Snap Rally

Stop Black Deaths in Custody Rally

Photographs form yesterday’s Stop Deaths in Custody rally at Sydney Town Hall, Gadigal Land. The rally was organised by the Blak Caucus.

*Click through images for full screen view.

Free Palestine Rally - Week 70

Last Sunday, after a four week hiatus, the weekly Free Palestine rallies on Gadigal Land, Sydney, ‘Australia’, recommenced on a monthly basis, gathering again at Hyde Park and marching a circuit through the CBD.

*Click through images for full screen view.

Mardi Gras Parade - First Nations Floats

Photographs from last Saturday’s Mardi Gras Parade, 2025, on Gadigal Land, Sydney, ‘Australia’, featuring images of the main First Nations Community float, the La Pa Legends float and the Yamurrah float.

*Click through images for full screen view.

Mardi Gras Parade - Pride In Protest

Photographs from last Saturday’s Mardi Gras Parade, 2025, on Gadigal Land, Sydney, ‘Australia’, featuring the Pride In Protest contingent. The parade was preceded by a ‘speak out’ rally at Town Hall, calling for Trans rights.

*Click through images for full screen view.

Mardi Gras Street Rally

Photographs from last Sunday’s Mardi Gras Street Rally, a reminder that Mardi Gras began and continues to be a movement rooted in street marches and public protest.

*Click through images for full screen view.

Our Carlson and Frenzee Play at the Petersham Bowl

Photographs of last night’s gig featuring Our Carlson supported by Frenzee at the Petersham Bowlo, Gadigal Land.

*Click through images for full screen view.

T.J. Hickey Rally - 21 Years On

Yesterday marked the 21st anniversary of the death of T.J. Hickey, who was killed when he was impaled on a fence in Waterloo, after being pursued by Redfern police in 2004. The police say it was accident but the family of T.J. say it was murder.

Every year on this day, February the 14th, Valentine’s Day, families and supporters, led by T.J.’s mother, Gail Hickey, gather at the fence where T.J. was killed to commemorate his death. Each year, they march from Waterloo, past Redfern police station, to The Block.

This year followed that same path, under grey skies and rain.

*Click through image for full screen view.

Maggot Cave at the Hollywood Hotel

Frenzee at the Hollywood Hotel

Protect Trans Youth - National Day of Action

Yesterday, hundreds of people crammed Newtown Pride Square, Gadigal Land, to protest against attacks on Trans rights across ‘Australia’, including new laws in ‘Queensland’, where the State Government is introducing legislation to ban puberty blockers for young Trans kids. Speakers also spoke out against the anti-Trans movements being imported from and stoked by Trump’s America.

The rally was organised by the Trans Justice Project.

*Click through images for full screen view.

Free Palestine - Emergency Rally to Oppose Trump's Ethnic Cleansing

Photographs from Friday evenings snap emergency rally at Sydney Town Hall, Gadigal Land, ‘Australia’. The protest was sparked by Donald Trump’s suggestion that Gaza be ethnically cleansed to make way for U.S. ‘development’.

*Click through images for full screen view.

Waitangi Day - Toitū te Tiriti

Photographs from Saturday’s commemoration of Waitangi Day in Emerson in Western Sydney, Darug Land.

The community event pressed for Toitū Te Tiriti - or the honouring of the Waitangi Treaty, the foundational document which has determined relations between Māori and Pākehā (Europeans) since the British colonisation of Aotearoa (New Zealand). The Treaty is currently under threat by the current right-wing New Zealand government which intends to pass The Treaty Principles Bill. Many Māori see this piece of legislation as not only an attempt to undermine long-established Māori rights but as racist. Toitū Te Tiriti has spread as a protest movement across Aotearoa, ‘Australia’ and internationally.

Saturday’s event in Emerton consisted of a smoking by local Darug representatives, Uncle Lex Dadd and Auntie Corina Norman, followed by speeches, a hīkoi (march) through the local neighbourhood, cultural activities and lunch.

*Click through images for full screen view.

Yabun 2025

Photographs from Sunday’s Yabun Festival, held on Invasion Day 2025, on Gadigal Land, including speakers from the Blak Caucus, MC Steph Tisdel and performances by No Fixed Address, Troy Cassar-Daley, Miss Kaninna, Electric Fields and Barkaa.

*Click through images for full screen view.

Invasion Day 2025

Photographs of Invasion Day, Gadigal Land, Sydney, ‘Australia’.

*Clik through images for full screen view.

Celebrations for Gaza Ceasefire - Day 2

Photographs of a second day of celebrations on the streets of Greenacre, on Darug Land, in Sydney’s south west, as Palestinian and Arab communities continue to celebrate the implementation of a tenuous ceasefire in Gaza after 67 weeks of bloodshed.

*Click through images for full screen view.

Celebrations for Palestine CeasefireLast

On Sunday, Palestinian and Arab communities came out onto the streets of Greenacre, on Darug Land, in Sydney’s south west to celebrate the implementation of a tenuous ceasefire in Gaza after 67 weeks of bloodshed.

*Click through images for full screen view.

Free Palestine Rally - Week 67

Photographs from the 67th consecutive weekly Free Palestine rally on Gadigal Land, Sydney, ‘Australia’, a week that saw a tenuous ceasefire finally agreed to after over 16 months of bloodshed in Gaza.

*Click through images for full screen view