Al Nakba Rally

Photographs from Wednesday night’s Al Nakba rally on Gadigal Land, Sydney Town Hall, Sydney, Australia, where over 1,000 people commemorated 76 years since the establishment of the state of Israel and the resulting mass forced displacement and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homeland in 1948. Palestinians refer to the event as ‘Al Nakba’, or ‘The Catastrophe’.

Speakers at Wednesday’s rally included organisers from the Palestinian Action Group, Jana Fayyad and Josh Lees, Wongutha-Yamatji First Nations actor and activist, Meyne Wyatt, writer, producer and Arab Theatre Studio Chair, Paula Abood, USYD encampment organiser, Shovan Bhattarai and Palestinian lawyer, Amal Naser.

The 76th anniversary of the Nakba comes as Israeli forces continue their assault on Rafah and throughout Gaza and the West Bank. In the last 10 days, 600,000 Palestinians have been displaced from Rafah, echoing the events of 1948.

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