A photographic record of a day’s observations of a city under lockdown:
Two homeless men read the latest news feed at Martin Place
Signs warning of social distancing adorn a quieter than usual Pitt Street Mall as lunchtime workers go about their daily business
A view of the Sydney Harbour Bridge down a deserted city street
Street posters urge good health practice
Discarded rubber gloves lie on a back street
Masked teenaged girls glued to their mobile phones
A sign outside a shop in Newtown alerts customers of a two person limit inside
Orange crosses on the ground act as social distancing markers outside a shop
A ‘For Lease’ sign sits in a window of a small business that has just closed down
A padlocked door signals the closure of one of the hardest hit businesses: small pubs and clubs
Mandatory social distancing signs at construction worksites
Water bubblers have been shut off around the city as a public health measure
Part of an ongoing photographic series, 'COVID-19 Diaries'.
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